"To do SAT alone is already one
hell of a problem (for me). And now you want us to do it using the PC!? OMG!!"
That is what I had in mind when Yu Jin asked us to go to ITMS to get the "feel" of SAT exam.
Staring at the screen of the pc, I read...and read...and read...the sentences...the (LONG!!) passages...and answer the questions that follows.
*My mind went blurred*-_-
Only one thing I could say bout it; it's damn TIRING!!! I spend a lot of time reading the passages trying to understand what the author was trying to potray/convey. Guess what!?
I DONT UNDERSTAND one HELL of a thing I read.
Why did that happen??
What happened was: my eyes got itchy and turned red as I didnt wear my specs that day. hehe..:p
I lost focus in the process of answering the questions. I had a headache. I felt as if my head was gonna explode any time soon like a timed-bomb...(KABOOM!!)
I felt so tensed up to the extent that I feel like "tikam/tembak" all the answers..;p
I didnt get good scores. I screwed up the practice test. It was really a bad day for me..huhu
But, honestly, it's not just because I had headache nor because my eyes were itchy that I didnt do well that day; it's because I AM weak in CR. I find it difficult to digest even the simplest thing in CR because the level is wayyyyyy beyond my reach. My vocabs is not wide enough as I dont really like READING!! It's just not my thing.:(
So, my piece of advice to all:
-Find materials that can help you improve your English. Read a lot of novels that use English of such level. For further info bout the novel (what novels are good etc), you may ask Hidayah..hehe:p
-Practice makes perfect.:D Only by practicing and I mean a LOT of 'em, you will get the "feel" of SAT exam and be able to cope with it during the actual exam..
3.....(do i have anything else in mind??)
Hurmmm...i guess not..I'll update again some other time when I have other things in mind that I wanna share..
Till next time..adios..